Nurture your executive search clients, candidates, and contacts year-round with your own email newsletter.
(in less than 30 minutes per week)

52x is a platform that helps you curate and share insightful thought leadership with your network each week through your own email newsletter.

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Why publish your own email newsletter?

  • Keeps you top-of-mind - with your whole network, all 52 weeks/year. No more long gaps between touchpoints.
  • Positions you as a thought-leader - within your industry and/or functional expertise.
  • Builds trust & credibility - week by week, as you consistently share valuable insights and ideas with your relationships.
  • Cuts through the noise - Instead of creating Linkedin posts which may only be seen by a handful of your most important relationships, sending a newsletter lets you create valuable touchpoints with your entire network at once, at the press of a button - not a random group, and not a hit or miss approach.
  • Build an asset that sticks with you, wherever you go - Your newsletter (and contact list), are assets that you own, no matter where you go. Whether you move to another firm, switch careers, or go independent, your relationships come along for the ride.
  • Keep the conversation going - Unlike a one-off blog or Linkedin post, your newsletter lets you stay engaged with your whole network, week after week. Whether you want to share a big announcement of a recent placement, an event you’re hosting, or anything else, your newsletter is an exceptional network engagement tool.
  • Takes less than 30 minutes per week - 52x takes the pain out of writing a newsletter from scratch. Instead, we provide you with the ability to re-share any great article / thought leadership you stumble on, with the click of a button. And that great thought leadership piece you poured your heart and soul into can be included as well!
  • Works for you while you sleep - Think of it as your business development co-pilot, quietly working in the background, 24/7, creating valuable touchpoints on your behalf, with the exact group of people who are most interested in your services.
  • Is highly cost-effective - It’s like hosting your own mini-conference each week, where the only people in attendance are those who already know and like you.

Client relationship development, the modern way

The 52x Method is an outcome-oriented approach to client relationship development based on the tried-and-true principles of thought leadership and consultative selling.

It's simple:

The 52x Method

  1. Delight your network with valuable insights and ideas on a weekly basis (all 52 weeks/year).
  2. Over time, as you regularly inform and inspire your network, they begin to view you as a trusted advisor. An expert. Someone they can go to when they need a leadership solution.
  3. More business, more referrals, and more opportunities organically surface.

Instead of “pushing” your services onto the market, you allow the market to gravitate toward you.

What makes 52x unique?

52x is designed around the belief that tastefully curating and sharing highly-relevant thought leadership with your network is even more valuable than creating everything yourself.

In fact, our whole system is designed to help you share the best of what's already out there, and add your own commentary on top if you like.

This helps you establish and reinforce your area of expertise, whether that's based on an industry focus, a functional focus, or some combination of the two. We help you position yourself as an authority in your target market.

Here's how it works
We make it easy, in just a few steps.
Choose your topic(s)

Pick the topics that your network will benefit the most from. If you have a functional or industry focus, you might include the latest thought leadership in your industry. If you'd like to position yourself as an ESG or DE&I thought leader, you can do that too! It's entirely up to you.

Make it yours

52x gives you complete control over the design & branding of your newsletter. From colors to logos to fonts, your newsletter will be unmistakable and stand out in the inbox.

Collect thought leadership throughout the week

Each time you come across a great article, blog post, video, or any other type of content you think your network would benefit from, save the link so you can share it in your next newsletter issue.

Generate & send your newsletter

Once you're ready, use our flexible, easy-to-use editor to quickly insert the links you want to share. Within seconds, our system will automatically find the title, description, and image for each thought leadership piece you add... making it a breeze to create a high-quality newsletter in just moments. Finally, add your own commentary, tweak it until it's perfect, and send it out!

Spread the word!

52x comes with a dedicated website for your newsletter where people can sign up and read past issues. With just one link, you can share your newsletter and past issues anywhere you can paste a link, including Linkedin and email. Pro Tip: we recommend adding your newsletter's sign-up link to your email signature for even more exposure.

Your business grows

Week after week, as you delight your network with valuable thought leadership, they’ll begin to view you as a trusted advisor and new business opportunities will organically surface.

Technology does the work, your network gets the benefit, you get the credit.


52x includes powerful, easy-to-use features designed to help you grow your executive search business.

Weekly email newsletter

Nurture your network with a weekly email containing the latest insights & thought leadership related to topic(s) of your choosing. Fully-customizable and easy to set up.

Unlimited network engagement

52x gives you powerful network engagement capabilities. Send newsletter issues, blogs, announcements, broadcasts, and anything else you can think of.

Custom website for your newsletter

Your newsletter comes with a fully brandable & customizable website. Think of this as the "front door" of your newsletter. It's where people can subscribe to your newsletter, and read past issues if they'd like.

Easily share links & thought leadership

If it's a link, you can share it. That includes articles, videos, podcasts, and more. Whether it's content you've created yourself or third-party content you've discovered, 52x is purpose-built for content curation. Within seconds, our system automatically finds and embeds the right title, description, and image for each piece of content you share.

Know who's subscribed

Whenever someone subscribes to your newsletter, you can see their name, email address, company name, and job title. This is a great way to grow your network. You can also export your subscriber list at any time.

Call-to-action buttons

Within your newsletter, you can add call-to-action buttons that you can use to drive traffic to your website, blog, Linkedin, etc.

Analytics and performance tracking

With 52x, you can see exactly how well each post you send performs. That includes metrics like open rate, click-through rate, and more. This helps you understand what type of content is resonating the most with your audience, and how well your email marketing efforts are working overall.

See who opened, and the links they clicked on

For every post you send, you can see exactly who opened it, and which links they clicked on. This gives you rich insights into who is most engaged with your content, and which topics they're interested in. Next time you talk with them, you'll know exactly what to talk about. Ice broken.

Create re-usable templates

52x lets you create re-usable templates for your newsletter issues, blogs, announcements, broadcasts, and more. This saves you time and helps you maintain a consistent look and feel for your brand.

Add the sign-up form to your firm's website

Create a fully branded experience by embedding your newsletter's sign-up form directly into your firm's website. This is an easy way to capture new leads and grow your network on auto-pilot.

And a whole lot more...

52x is constantly improving and adding new features designed to help you grow your firm. We love hearing from our customers, so if you have any ideas or feature requests, we'd be happy to explore them.

We make it easy to get started.

We're here to help, every step of the way. When you sign up, a member of our team will personally reach out and walk you through it, step-by-step. Additionally, our helpful guides and videos are designed to make the process feel smooth and simple.

Start nurturing your executive search network today.
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